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Göteborg: demonstration "For Another Europe" begins now
by marcus 12:54pm Sat Jun 16 '01

Demonstration "For Another Europe" begins now.

The big international demonstration "For Another Europe" is waiting to begin. People are tensed but yet determined to continue with their peaceful marsch, including the black block.

There is a lot of tension among people in the demonstration due to the many roadblocks by the police in the area. They will go from
Linneplatsen to Slottsskogen. The original ending point was Götaplatsen but it has been blocked by two stores high containers by the police.
There is a fear that the black block will be cut off from the main group. ALL the different groups in the demonstration, including the black block, want a peaceful demonstration.

During the EU summit in Malmö in May this year the black block was separated from the main group. The black block was pushed together and 266 people, most from the black block, were put into custody for a several hours. The reason was according to the police that they feared violence later on. The organisers of the demonstration said that the arrests were planned and an attack on their democratic rights.

No one wants this to be repeated today. Just a day without violence.

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