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Gothenburg: clashes between police and locked up activists
by Indymedia 11:16pm Thu Jun 14 '01 (Modified on 11:57pm Thu Jun 14 '01)

"It will blow any time now! Ya Basta! is in front with their white overalls. AFA has formed a group behind. The rest of us are waiting behind the front-linesÖ". This was told by Kent Werne at 17.10 hrs calling from his cellular phone inside the Hwitfeldtska Gymnasiet. At the time of this writing he has been locked up for 6,5 hrs, waiting for the police attack. "I lost all confidence in the police after this. They are lying: all the talk about having a dialogue is only bullshit", according to Kent Werne.

A short while after the conversation by phone the police began a voilent attack. It started shortly after 11 a.m. Thursday afternoon with the police surrounding the Hvitfeldtska gymnasiet which is a central spot for all the activists. Approx. 1000 demonstrators had booked a place for sleeping in the (school)building. This was arranged by SAC who rents it from the Town of Gothenburg during the EU Summit. There were also many activities planned to take place there, like meetings, debates and seminars.

Repression is directed against international activists.
by Marcus

During tuesday the police searched apartments and collectives in Gothenburg. Five danes and four norweigans were arrested. The five danes are suspected of preparations for sabotage and assault, today they were put in isolation cells until the June 28th. Its probable that the four norweigans will be expelled from the country. Yesterday there were a lot of ID-checks and visitations around Svenska Mässan, the conference center. Four germans were also arrested in the area close to the conference center. During wednesday the police tried to enter Hwidtfeldtska Gymnasium, the convergence center, but were refused entry and left shortly after. There is an increased tension in the city and the police is directing a lot of attention towards the international activists, probably to build up fear for repression if they participate in any protests.

See link for info about a solidarity group that gives arrested people legal help.

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