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Non à la Guerre !

Après la mobilisation planétaire sans précédent du 15 février, d'autres protestations sont organisées un peu partout contre une intervention armée en Irak : des blocages tentent d'empêcher l'acheminement de convois militaires, des actions directes continuent d'interpeller les politiques et l'opinion publique.

(sur le 24/02/2003)

Trains de mort
La guerre s'approche: le ministre Italien Martino a garantie l'utilisation des infrastructures de l'état (public) pour transporter des armes, des véhicules et des troupes américains. Les premiers trains sont partis le 21 février.
Des actions pour arrêter les trains, qui se déplaçaient entre Ederle (près de Vincenza) et la base militaire US de Camp Derby, près de Pise, ont étés mis sur pied tout de suite.
Aujourd'hui, le 22 février, malgré les intimidations et le menaces, les actions se multiplient dans d'autres localités: à Grisignano di Zocco, Campo di Marte (Padue), ou un train a été bloqué pendant des heures et un deuxième train qui était attendu a changé son itinéraire; un autre train a été bloqué a Verone pendant une demi heure, jusqu'à ce que la police a fait une charge contre les activistes.
Un autre bloccus fut organisé à Porto San Pancrazio , mais sans succès.
A Brescia, Bologna et Fornovo (près de Parme), des centaines d' activistes ont étés dispersés par la police. A Pise il y avait deux manifestations, la première le matin, près de l'aéroport militaire, la seconde l'après midi ou 600 personnes ont marches de la gare au centre ville. Des activistes de partout en Italie se dirigent vers Pise maintenant. La police contrôle déjà la gare de San Rossore et les activistes se rassemblent à la gare de Migliarino Pisano.
Ils l'ont bloqué après avoir été chargés dessus par la police et maintenant ils attendent un train en provenance de Parme. Le consulat Britannique de Torino a été occupé et des autres actions sont attendus à Ferrara ou 1000 personnes se sont fait charger gravement. Il y aura aussi des manifs à Udine. Sur l'Ile Magdalena, près de Sardaigne, 1.000 manifestant se sont fait chasser de manière violente par la police.
24 février:
13:50 - Un autre train transportant des passagers a été bloqué entre Verona et Mantova
13:30 - Le train a passé la gare de Verona
12:45 - Un train transportant des passagers a été bloqué entre Padue et Monselice
12:25 - Un train a quitté la gare de Grisignano pour aller à Verona
8:46 - Les trains in Grisignano ont été chargés
5:30 - La situation à Grisignano apparaît calme
23 février:
12:30 - La situation à Grisignano apparaît calme
11:00 - Les dockers sont prêts a bloquer les navires
10:00 - Les trains d'aujourd'hui partent d'Ederle sous loi militaire.
22 février:
11:10 - Le train est arrivé à Camp Darby. Le blockades continuent demain.
10:50 - A l'arrive du train à Migliarino des policiers ont evacués les activistes.
09:40 - Un train transportant des passagers est arrivé à la gare de Migliarino Pisano. Il a été bloqué de l'intérieur. Le conducteur a refusé de continuer en signe de solidarité avec les manifestants, mais la police l'a forcé a continuer sa route.

Retombées radioactives en cas de guerre en Irak.

Beyond F15: AntiWar Movement Turns To Direct Action

Italian activists block a U.S. munitions train near Vicenza.Millions filled city streets around the globe on Feb 15, denouncing Bush's call to war in a day of protest unlike any the world has ever seen. While some are sorting out who organized the whole thing, others are turning to direct action as a next step. Activists in San Francisco, Chicago, Washington DC, Halifax, Montreal and Italy are confronting war profiteers in their communities, blocking military recruitment facilities, walking out of school and cutting the train routes that transport military materials.

Bay Area activists are planning a massive day of resistance should the war start and antiwar organizers in Great Britain are increasingly confident that they can shut their country down if Prime Minister Tony Blair leads his nation into war.

Discussion--What More Should Be Done to Oppose the War?

[ March 5 National Moratorium to Stop the War | George Lakey: Strategizing for a Living Revolution | Starhawk: The Choice Before Us ]

MIDDLE EAST: Feb 19 2003
F15: Demonstrations in Tel Aviv and Beirut

About 2000 Palestinians and Israelis demonstrated in Tel Aviv [ 1 | 2 ].

In Beirut, Lebanon, thousands demonstrated outside ESQWA, the Middle East headquartes for the UN. A group had decided to reclaim the traditional demonstration, usually strewn with reactionary party flags, and politicians who stand in the front lines until their pictures are taken. They also had decided to create a block free of posters of Saddam Hussein, and simply united by the common slogan "No to War, No to Dictatorship." The block included Palestinians students, Queers, (holding out a great banner that read "Out against the War!"), and a great variety of leftists materializing the links between war and imperialism US militarism and corporate globalization. The evening ended with a concert of local leftist groups.

Feb 17 2003
From Global Resistance To Local Persistence

stop war feb 15th poster Millions around the world demonstrated against war in the largest co-ordinated global protest ever, held in at least 603 towns and cities. The unprecidented wave of demonstrations saw estimates of 5-6 Million in much of the corporate press and figures topping 10 Million reported by independent commentators. Alongside, the global independent media movement provided coverage from much of the globe as the protests swept the planet. Here are just a few of the global report links:

Global Indymedia Portal coverage
Global total hits 11 Million!

Global radio archive *new
Global roundup with pictures from IMC Belgium
Global breaking news from
l70 Pictures from over 110 Protests around the World
Infoshop coverage - pics and reports around the World

Millions March Against the War

thousands fill Hyde ParkMillions around the world demonstrated against war in the largest global wave of co-ordinated protests ever. London saw one of the biggest protests in the world with organisers estimating up to 2 Million people taking part, in the largest protest the country has ever seen. There were also huge protests in Belfast (up to 150,000) and Dublin (20,000). A major demo in Glasgow (up to 100,000) saw protests following Blair to scotland for the labour party spring conference. Check [Imc Ireland] and [Imc Scotland] for more.

The streets began filling with people mid-morning as roads were closed to both normal traffic as well as buses. The march set off early from two starting points due to the sheer weight of numbers [report and pics 1 2]. The police estimated half a million at midday, the intended start time of the march, later estimating a total of 750,000, though by their own admission this did not include those who later joined the march or who went direct to Hyde Park. [audio]. Statues were boarded up along the route and marchers kept well away from the front of Downing Street [pic]. At midday a critical mass bicycle protest left Waterloo bringing cycle power to the London streets.

The march was very densely packed along most of the route with a sea of placcards and home made banners. Every corner of the country was represented with many taking part in their first demonstration. Despite freezing temperatures people remained in Hyde Park to listen to an afternoon of speeches from politicians, campaigners and popstars, before dispersing back to well over 1000 coaches that had brought many to london (see pic of dangerous mud that caused the government to initially ban the rally).

An autonomous space was set up in the park with a battery powered sound system [report and pics 1 2 3], while 35,000 newspapers promoting direct action against the war were distributed. After 3pm there were scuffles near the American embassy as a crowd of several hundred people were forcefully pushed back by police (one arrest was reported). After the rally had finished another crowd of several hundred danced around the streets leading to the embassy, before moving off down oxford street where passers by shouted support [reports 1 2] [pics 1 2].

Later planned civil disobedience against the war went ahead in Piccadilly Circus where around 150 protestors blocked the road for several hours. Prepared to be arrested they refused to leave and were supported by several hundred others who cheered as police dragged wave after wave away [reports 1 2] [pics 1 2] [audio]

Mainstream media coverage has been extensive, with many reporting the 1-2 Million figure. Several papers dubbed it "The people's march" and there has been much talk of "middle england" taking to the streets. Despite this many newspapers continue to support Blair's plans for war.

Valentines day (Feb 14th) saw many anti-war events, as well as a banner drop [pics 1 2 3] and an action against the BBC [reports 1 2]

Breaking News Timeline for London F15 demonstration.

Pictures: London: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | Guilfin Pics
Glasgow: 1 | 2 | video
Audio: [Stream from Hyde Park][ Piccadilly]
[Berlin ][Amsterdam]
Webcast: [ San Francisco ] .

Global: [Berlin: 500,000 ][Melbourne: 200,000][Italy: 1.5 million][Barcelona: 1 million][Begium: 10,000][Madrid: 1 million][Paris: 100,000][New York (pics, report][Sweden: 100,000][Warsaw][Tel Aviv] [Lisboa: 100.000] [Seattle] [Ottawa] [Dublin] [Rio de Janeiro] [Tessaloniki] [Rejkiavic] [Hollywood] [Rafah (Gaza)] [Medellin (Colombia)] [San Francisco] [Cairo] [Capetown] [Johannesburg] [Durban] [Hong kong] [Dili] [Calcutta] [Jakarta] [Baghdad] [Tokyo] [Kuala Lumpur] [Karachi] [Manila] [Damascus] [Seoul] [Taipei] [Bangkok] [Tappani] [Viena] [Sofia] [Zagreb] [Praha] [Copenhaguen] [Helsinki] [Athens] [Budapest] [Luxemburg] [Malta] [Amsterdam] [Oslo] [Warsaw] [Porto] [Kiev] [Moscou] [Goteborg] [Bern] [Istanbul] [Ankara] [Buenos Aires] [Sao Paulo] [Santiago de Chile] [Quito] [Mexico DF] [Lima] [Montevideo] [Calgary] [Edmonton] [Montreal] [Ottawa] [Toronto] [Vancouver] [Barbados] [Spanish State]