Bella and Roger Belbéoch, born in 1928, are physicists, engineers ESPCI. Roger Belbéoch worked in a university laboratory of search (Orsay, Paris-South) and specialized in the particle accelerators and the physics of the beams of high energy. Bella Belbéoch, engineer-doctor, worked in the Center of Nuclear Studies of Saclay (ECA) and studied by x-rays the structural properties of the solids as well in industrial research as fundamental.

Users of producing installations of radiation they were interested in the biological effects of the ionizing radiations which, for more than 25 years, have been at the origin of their questionnement on the dangers of nuclear energy. Authors of Tchernobyl, a catastrophe, (Éd. ALLIA, Paris 1993), and of many articles of which nuclear Société (R. Belbéoch, philosophical Concepts, PUF, 1990) they collaborate in Gazette Nucléaire, review published by the GSIEN, Groupement of Scientists for Information on Nuclear Energy.