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Göteborg, des emprisonnements, des procès, des condamnations (jusqu'à 4 ans) pour nous faire peur. Ceux qui sont en prison en Suède sont des otages pour nous dissuader de continuer, ça ne marchera pas.

Appel pour nos otages:

Göteborg des condamnations (jusqu'à 4 ans). Action de protestation des parents des prisonniers. Un groupe de Berlin réunit des infos sur les prisonniers. Vers le procès politique. Procès contre les gens du téléphone d'info, les accusés refusent de collaborer.

Les prisonniers de Göteborg. 50 personnes ont été accusées, ou risquent d'être accusées suite à leur présence à Göteborg. 450 personnes sont identifiées comme suspectes en attente d'enquête. Aucune des100 plaintes déposées contre les violences de la police n'ont été instruites.

Compte rendu des procès et verdicts rendus suite aux évènements de Goteborg. Rapport du procès contre les gens du téléphone d'info à Göteborg.

Pour soutiens et dons voir à la fin de la traduction, Email : Solidarity Group GBG. Un groupe de Berlin cherche à réunir des infos sur les prisonniers.

Call for Justice after the riots in Gothenburg.
Nouvelles arrestations en Suède,
17 personnes, dans plusieurs villes, à travers la Suède, ont été arrêtées chez elle. La plupart des personnes jugées précédemment ont fait appel. Un citoyen allemand a été innocenté et libéré. Les autres ont vu leurs sentences confirmées par la cour d'appel:
- Paul Robinson, 33 ans, Londres, BRITANNIQUE. Sentence : 12 mois
- S.s., 20 ans, ALLEMAND. Sentence : 18 mois (Il a également été blessé par balle)
- J-b.b., 25 ans, Berlin, ALLEMAND. Sentence: 24 mois
- Luigino Longo, 43 ans, Oslo, Norvège (citoyen ITALIEN). Sentence : 24 mois

Pendant les manifs à Göteborg la police tire à balles réelles sur un manifestant qui est gravement blessé, il n'y a en aucun cas légitime défense de la police !

La photo a été prise de la courte séquence vidéo (voir lien au-dessus), l'activiste blessé a très certainement été touché de face...
The photo one was taken of a short video sequence (see link above), the activist was certainely touched of face...

Quelques contributions parues pendant Göteborg sur Indymedia France :
Un appel à l'Union européenne pour refuser le nouveau cycle de négociation préparé par l'OMC \ Les premières violences policières \ Pour une autre Europe (1, 2) \ Les bergers allemands sont lachés, les policiers n'arrivent plus à les tenir \ Le climat se dégrade \ C'est après trois jours de provocations et matraquages policiers que les débordements ont commencés \ Photo : les policiers prêts à tirer \ Témoignage sur l'utilisation d'armes à feu par la police \ Vidéo : la légitime défense vue par un journaliste de France 3 \ Photos \ L'espace schengen saute \ Vidéos : montage des JT : ni bavure, ni affolement, une volonté de tuer \ Témoignage \ Revue de presse suédoise affligeante \ Le Courrier de suisse, seul journal francophone à condamner les actions meutrières de la police (Libé et Le Monde se sont montrès pitoyable avec les manifestants) \ Reportage multi-média en anglais. Et pour finir notre plus mauvaise blague : "la meilleure analyse" de la classe politique en France vient de... l'ex-chef des barbouzes Charles Pasqua.

17 juin Police forces people to lay down on the ground for one hour or more.

Around 05.00 Sunday the police let people out from one of the buses and pushed them togheter into a corner. The commanding police officers left the area and riot police started to intimidate and provoke them. Despite the long time they were provoked the people stayed calm and they were then released. Here's another description of the storming.

03.05 a.m. Sunday This is a story from one of the many young people being held on the ground outside the Schillerska School. Read the report.

02.15 a.m. Sunday THIS IS OUTRAGOUS! Police carrying semi-automatic rifles with laser sights, forced 200 to 300 unarmed people, including a breast feeding mother, to lay down outside of the Shillerska School for one hour or more. The area is still closed off, double police lines are blocking the school. Read more

16 juin

23.50 All police officers are withdrawing from the crowd, who is now cheering loudly. A great party erputed for a few minutes. The police says that they withdrew because they had arrested the people they were looking for.

23.30 One dutch guy, who is working for ASEED (an international environmental organisation), without ID was arrested at Jrntorget, and is now put into custody. We just recieved some information from the police about the arrests.

23.00 The latest photo from the situation on Jrntorget in GBG.

22.30 There seem to be people without any id on the square, and we can confirm that there are also foreigners among them. According to the solidarity group the police are likely to take demonstrators to Kviberg, a prison in GBG, or, they will be transported and left somewhere far outside the city. Non-swedish protesters can be transported to Kviberg or deported from the country. Here is a list of legal help.

21.30 People who want to leave the square can do so after showing their bags and identification. Some people are being put into buses.

21.10 Hans Abrahamsson from Attac is now negotiating with the police, and he is trying to get the police to release all demonstrators.

20.30 The police has moved into the square with a big transport bus. They have split the square and are now surrounding a small group of protesters who were forced to sitting down on the cold ground. Behind that policeline are police on horse. One imc-photographer is caught inside the group of demonstrators. Here is one report from within the police lines. Here a photo of the people inside the non-violence-group.

20.20 Police are removing three reporters from the area. A bus is driven inside the sealed of area.

20.15 Police have moved in a little bit. All the demonstrators are now sitting down.

20.03 Tighter policelines are being formed. Dogs are falling in. Civilians on bike caught in the middle of the locked up square. People inside starts sitting down. Police are taking the dogs a little bit further away. Two big trailers together with nine policecars are heading north, away from the square.

19.50 At this very moment are parts of the imc-sweden, together with the solidaritygroup, inside of the Lagerhuset close to Jrntorget (a square) in GBG. Being on the fourth floor we have an excellent view about what is going on. Riot police are closing up the square and about 50 protesters are locked up there. We, imc, saw now how one police officer hit one guy and the guy fell down to the ground. Police are using horses and dogs. More police officers than demonstraters. We are taking up everything on video and camera. The dogs seem to be really excited and we see them hitting their own dogs to calm them down. There are approx. 200-300 riot police surrounding the protesters. Two helicopters are circling above the buildings. More reports in a few minutes.

19.30 Police are forming a ring around Jrntorget, where a protest meeting is being held. People are protesting in sympathy with their arrested friends.

16.45 A lot of reports on what the police are doing on the streets (in swedish) are coming in. The police claims that todays demonstrators were armed with sticks. Listen to the police blocking of the central parts of the city with containers.

14.40 Despite very heavy rain around 25 000 people, possibly more, joined the demonstration "For Another Europe". This is one of the biggest radical demonstrations in Sweden in a long time. The organisers are very satisfied with everything, the atmosphere was very good and the police ha a very low profile. Many of the speeches during the demonstration has been addressing the police violence that took place during the protests of the EU Summit 2001. Here's a picture from the beginning of the demonstration.

13.45 BREAKING NEWS: German version of CNN says that the demonstrator who was gunned down by a swedish policeofficer yesterday, died at the hospital. Indymedia Sweden is looking for confirmation about this from hospital and police in GBG. THIS IS NOT YET CONFIRMED BY SWEDISH AUTHORITIES!
Sur des J.T. remontés par france.indymedia.org, on voit qu'il n'y a pas de légitime défense de la police, mais une attaque avec armes à feu des manifestants.

13.20 Latest news on the demonstration "For Another Europe": they are now at Slottskogen, and it is not clear whether they will go towards the citycenter later.

13.15 The crew of Rampenplan, who were held in custody for more than six hours after the eviction of Whitfeldtska School, will be serving vegan and organic LUNCH today, starting 13.45 at Schillers School in GBG.

12.15 p.m. Change of route for the demonstration (again). It is now clear that the demonstration is heading towards the citycenter on Sdra Allegatan, and NOT towards Slottsskogen.

11.10 a.m. Right now there is a demonstration called "For Another Europe" going on.

10.50 a.m. Schiller School still open after visits from the police at 04.00 this morning (in swedish).

09.00 a.m. There are many opinons about the role of the swedish police during the demonstrations and violence that takes place here in Gothenburg.

04.20 a.m.According to one imc-reporter who went to the Schillers School were he had been given a place to sleep, the building was surrounded by police. He was also searched before entering the school. Outside on the Vasagaten in the center of Gothenburg there were many broken windows, and there were smaller groups of people on the streets. Approx. 400 people sleep now inside of the Schillers School. Outside the police are forming tighter lines.

02.45 a.m. There is still a lot of confusion about how many people were shot at by the police on thursday night here in Gothenburg. Neither is is it clear what the condition of these people is. Many mainstream media, national and international, report on three shootings while the official pressrelease from the police in Gothenburg states that there was only one shooting. Listen to imc webradio for latest news on this issue, or read the many articles published by readers of the imc-website.

15 juin New clashes between police and activists

21.51 The Reclaim The City action ended up in at least one person getting shot by police. Stay tuned for more info and keep listening to our live radio.

14.50 More than 100 people arrested on bridge next to Fritt Forum. Over 100 people where isolated at the bridge between the forum terrain and the Kungs Parken. After an hour the whole group was arrested and deported by bus. The people sitting in the park and standing on the bridge had nothing to do with the action earlier today. The demonstration and struggles between protesters and police ended long before. Even some official guards and organisers from the festival where part of the arrested group. At this moment we don¨·t know the official reason the police gave for the arrests and what will happen to the people. Some good news: about 25 people where able to escape, some entered passing boats and others jumped in the water. And many thanks! to the public transport company for helping the police against the public.

13.30 At the Free Forum civilians were caught up on a bridge with two goups of policeofficers blocking any possible escape. People from both sides of the river stayed calm and tried to tell the police to let the civilians leave. Hans Abrahamson, a peace-and conflict researcher from Attac, tells people to stay calm and not to be provoked by the police. After 45 min. a policevan came and took the civilians away. Some of them escaped by jumping into the river.

13.00 The riots has slowly calmed down and people are enjoying the sun, having lunch and is resting a bit away from Avenyn.

12.15 The police has began picking up rocks and actually throwing them back at the demonstrators.

12.00 The windows of McDonalds, the SE-bank and Bang & Olufsen are smashed and people are carrying away electronics from B & O.

11.30 Activists starts to smash windows in Avenyn, the main street of G??teborg. Two groups of activist were trying to get in to the conference center at 11.00. They are reported to be three blocks from the center. Presumably they will try to break through the fences.

11.12 A finnish reporter tells imc-sweden that they have started to throw stones at police on horseback . His coment was: "This is the worst thing that could happen". We at indymedia are seing the police as very offensive. They are meeting activist with horses and dogs. They are blocking of the streets with freightcontainers.

Göteborg le reportage (multi-média) en anglais [suite]. Illustration "du climat suédois", le site indymedia est encombré de commentaire de type raciste ou "fachiste", les échos d'une polémique entre sweden.indymedia et france.indymedia.
Göteborg par la lorgnette italienne [suite]. Et pour finir notre plus mauvaise blague : "la meilleure analyse" de la classe politique en France vient de... l'ex-chef des barbouzes Charles Pasqua.



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